Course Syllabus

Course Information

Online Instructor Certification Course

EOIC 1001

32 Credits

Course Description: This course is an example course to demonstrate items that are expected in the Online Instructor Certification. The purpose of this process is to ensure that TCC maintains the highest possible quality in its online offerings and instructors, which are keystones for building student success. The Online Instruction Certification course is similar to building a home. Just as the potential home owner would work with a general contractor or architect to design blueprints, then monitor the pouring of the foundation and framing the structure, assist with home inspector and certification walk throughs to insure safety standards protocols and procedures, continue to monitor as drywall and floors are installed, select fixtures and finishes such as flooring, paint, and cabinetry as well as handles and lighting, choose the finishing touches that make that house someone's home, and finally completing the final walk-throughs to verify quality, sign necessary paperwork, and receive the keys, every participant will work through these stages throughout this course to develop a solid foundation of online learning andragogy as well as begin the framework that will become a rigorous and impactful course.


Instructor Information

Lindsay Foster

Instructor's Name: Lindsay Nichols Foster

Office/Campus: Instructional Design/Connect Campus

Telephone: 817-515-8015



Weekly Office Hours
Day of the Week Start Time End Time
Monday By request starting at 8:00 AM By request until 5:00 PM
Tuesday By request starting at 8:00 AM By request until 5:00 PM
Wednesday 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Thursday 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
Friday 11:00 AM 1:00 PM

Course Learning Outcomes/Competencies

  • MO 1.1: Develop a planning document to serve as a draft during creation.
  • MO 1.2: Begin building a course shell navigation that includes a HOME page, a SYLLABUS, an INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION/BIO page.
  • MO 1.3: Understand and apply applicable copyright and fair use laws, policies and procedures.
  • MO 1.4: Understand and apply Open Access Resources and Open Educational Resources.
  • MO 1.5: Apply relevant course objectives to constructed content modules.
  • MO 2.1: Understand the role of instructor presence in design of an online course.
  • MO 2.2: Demonstrate through construction of pages or activities at least three (3) tenets of instructor presence.
  • MO 2.3: Demonstrate through construction of pages or activities the listed tenets of instructor presence through directive presence.
  • MO 2.4: Demonstrate ability to create course navigation for accessibility and ease of use by the student by providing module overview pages.
  • MO 3.1: Demonstrate through construction of pages or activities the listed tenets of instructor presence through directive presence.
  • MO 3.2: Identify elements of accessibility through use of and application of the Canvas Accessibility Checker. 
  • MO 4.1: Demonstrate mastery of the federal regulations and policies surrounding Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) by achieving a score of 90% or higher on the assessment.
  • MO 4.2: Apply a variety of strategies using the Discussion Question tool in Canvas.
  • MO 4.3: Apply a variety of strategies using the Video/Studio tool in Canvas.
  • MO 4.4: Identify and apply strategies for handling a variety of assignment related situations.
  • MO 4.5: Create three (3) types of quizzes (New or Classic) using a variety of question types.

Course Instructional Materials


All participants have direct access to the entire Instructional Design team. Individual contact information may be located on the Meet Our Team section of the Instructional Resource Hub. Our team may also be reached at

Instructional Designers are available between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, during the fall and spring terms and from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Thursday, during the summer term. Instructional Designers are also available during those same hours via Microsoft Teams chat. We recommend that participants copy (CC:) the entire Instructional Design team on all communications should an urgent issue arise and the assigned Instructional Designer is unavailable.


The course is set up sequentially. All content pages within a module must be completed (look for the check mark on the right hand side of the module listing) in order to unlock other modules. The course is partially self-paced, however to model Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) there are assignments that must receive full points before enrollees can progress to further modules. 

Rubrics are included for all assignments. 

Grading Policy

Coursework List
Module Assignment Title Points Required to Pass Total Points
Start Here Start Here - Import Content 10 10
Expectations Create a Course Module Overview and Checklist 25 25
Expectations Create a Course Overview Video 22 22
Expectations Create an Assignment for Module 1 and Module 2 10 10
Expectations Create a Discussion Board 16 16
Expectations Create a Rubric 25 25
Expectations Create a Student Resource Page 21 21
Expectations Create a Syllabus Page 34 34
Accessibility Accessibility Practice Activity - Headings and Links 18 18
Accessibility Accessibility Practice Activity - Tables and Links 18 18
Accessibility Accessibility Check - Home Page 10 10
Accessibility Accessibility Check - Syllabus 10 10
Accessibility Accessibility Check - Student Resource Page 10 10
Accessibility Accessibility Check - Introduce Yourself Discussion Board 10 10
Accessibility Accessibility Check - Module 1 Assignment 10 10
Accessibility Accessibility Check - Module 2 Assignment 10 10
Accessibility Accessibility - Course Overview Video 10 10
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) RSI 01 - Regular Interaction in My Course 8 10
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) RSI 02 - Substantive Interaction in My Course 8 10
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) Regular and Substantive Interaction 14 15


Feedback is typically given within 24-48 hours of the submission of the assignment. As assignments are graded against a rubric and the expectation is that full points will be earned on the assignments, it is imperative that students review feedback, make edits or revisions and resubmit work as needed.

Instructors are working Instructional Designers employed by TCC Connect Campus and may have other daily duties that result in a delay in feedback. Please extend grace and we will extend grace should the need arise. Grading and feedback should be expected during the business day/working hours of TCC and will not occur on non-working days. 

Late Work Policy

In the event of an exigent circumstance, a course extension may be requested by completing the extension form.

Participation Policy

 Participation in the course is expected. Participation is counted as reading course materials, engaging in course discussions, and completing assignments and assessments.      

Incompletes, Withdrawals and Drops Policies  

Incompletes or Withdrawal From or Dropping the Course

  If your situation will not permit you to complete the OIC by the expected deadline and you need to withdraw from the course, I can assist you with that as well. Please notify me of your intention to withdraw and I will follow up with you regarding next steps. You are welcome to reapply for the OIC in the future when your schedule permits.     

Technology Failure or Outage   

In the event of a catastrophic or natural disaster that results in a system-wide technology failure or outage, information will be posted on the TCC website or in the Canvas course or in any of the locations listed on the TCC Emergency Information site


TCC District Attendance Policy


Regular and punctual class attendance is expected at Tarrant County College. Student absences will be recorded from the first day the class meets. In case of absence, it is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor. Students absent on official school business are entitled to make up coursework missed. In all other cases, the instructor will judge whether the student will be permitted to make up work and will decide on the time and nature of the makeup. However, the student is expressly responsible for any work missed regardless of the cause of the absence. The student must discuss such work with the instructor and should do so immediately on returning to school. communication between the student and instructor is most important, and it is the student's responsibility to initiate such communication. If students do not appear at the prearranged time or meet the prescribed deadline for makeup work, they forfeit their rights for further makeup of that work.


Students who stop attending class for any reason should contact the instructor and the Registrar's Office to withdraw officially from the class. Failure to withdraw officially may result in a failing grade for the course.


Class attendance and participation are essential to student success. The following attendance guidelines apply:

  • A student in an on-campus course missing a cumulative of 15 percent of the class meetings and not keeping up with the course assignments may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor.
  • A student in an online course is required to complete successfully the online course orientation and actively participate in the course as described in the Instructor's Course Requirements (ICR). A student not meeting these requirements may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor. 
  • This table includes the TCC District Attendance Policy. Students with more excessive absences may be dropped from the course by their instructor.
        Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)        

TCC Connect Campus is working persistently to ensure we are consistent in meeting all state and federal regulatory guidelines and requirements as it relates to online education and distance learning.  Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI), a legal and federal requirement distinguishes the status of online classes between distance education and correspondence courses.  To ensure we are in alignment with federal Department of Education guidelines by offering true distance education courses, we are regularly monitoring and evaluating our courses to ensure compliance.  


Students taking online courses will be expected to follow the course schedule as developed by the instructor.  Working significantly ahead or finishing the course early than scheduled does not meet RSI guidelines.  In addition to meeting the course and institutional attendance guidelines, students will interact regularly with each other and with the instructor, as initiated by the instructor (assignments, discussions, announcements, office hours etc.).  These course requirements are further communicated in the specific course guidelines, such as the course syllabus. 

        Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty        

TCC Connect Campus Plagiarism Policy 


TCC Connect Campus prohibits cheating, collusion, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism. The College definitions (according to the Student Handbook) are below. Our campus definition for self-plagiarism is the act of re-submitting or re-using work previously written and/or submitted for another course, or another section of the same course. Students cannot re-submit essays or other written works that have been turned in during previous semesters, regardless of whether that work was written for the same course. The penalty for self-plagiarism shall be the same as the penalty assigned by the instructor for other acts of academic dishonesty. Those penalties can include a failing grade on the assignment and a written report. Penalties for multiple academic integrity violations includes failing the course, additional documentation, and reporting the student to the department Assistant Dean or Dean.


Tarrant County College Student Handbook Guidelines


The term “Cheating” includes, but is not limited to: (1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; (2) use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the College faculty or staff; or (4) engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus.


The term “Plagiarism” includes but is not limited to the use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic material. 


Scholastic Penalties - The assignment of a failing grade on an assignment or examination or in a course by an instructor based on scholastic dishonesty including cheating, collusion and plagiarism committed by a student. The instructor will submit a written report of the incident and of the planned action to the instructor’s dean.


Technology requirements for all online courses:

  • A PC or Mac computer or laptop with broadband or similar Internet connection. 
  • Access to a backup computer with internet access in case of temporary technology issues.             
  • Adobe Reader (to view .pdfs).
  • Microsoft Office (this is available for free to students through the Office homepage.
  • A webcam (built-in to laptop or external webcam).
  • A microphone (built-in to laptop or external).
  • Speakers or headset for listening to video or audio files.

Technology recommendations for all online courses: 

  • Updated anti-virus software. 
  • Flashdrive or Cloud drive to back up all documents and work.

Student authentication and validation tools: 

  • This course uses student authentication and validation during exams. Our online proctoring service in Proctorio – students will be required to use Google Chrome and install Proctorio. A guide for installing and using this service will be available in our course. Students will be monitored during testing, and will be required to take online tests independently and without accessing other resources (Google, textbooks, external websites, etc. 
  • This course uses student authentication and validation for major essays. Students will submit essays to Students will need to use Google Chrome and submit .docx files. There is no additional download for
  • Vendor partners provide proper training to all staff who proctor exams. Essays submitted to are not shared without permission. Test-taking information is not shared, and all vendors adhere to the privacy guidelines guaranteed to students under FERPA.

Proctorio Requirements

  • Use Google Chrome as your browser. 
  • Instructions for using Proctorio.
  • You will not be allowed to open additional windows on your computer, take or print screenshots, visit other websites, or use the online or printed textbook. 
  • You must complete each exam in one sitting.

Technical Difficulties or Issues

  • myTCC Resources Help and Support
  • Tech Support:  Contact Tech 24/7 for help with all your technical issues.
    • 24/7 Technical Support Phone: 817-515-8324
    • 24//7 Technical Support Chat: Tech Support
    • Help Email: Support staff monitors support e-mail continuously during normal business hours.
        Student Support Resources        
  • Student Accessibility Resources: Register with Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) if you have a disability and need additional on-campus support.
  • Career Services: Receive help perfecting your job search skills and in finding work on and off-campus.  
  • Counseling: Meet with one of our campus counselors for help with personal and career concerns.
  • Health Services: Visit your campus Health Services for a variety of free, confidential services to help you stay healthy during your college career.
  • Information Center: Contact our Information Center to speak to a TCC information assistant who can help you with your questions about TCC.
  • TCC Libraries - Tarrant County College: This research guide is one-stop shopping for all your basic library how-tos! 
        Title IX         Title IX Responsible Employee        

“I am designated as a Responsible Employee when it comes to reporting Sexual Misconduct. That means I am required by law to report sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking against a student or employee to the Title IX Coordinator. TCCD cares about the safety of our employees and students and has created this requirement because interpersonal violence in all forms is unacceptable, and we’re committed to holding perpetrators accountable and keeping reporting parties safe. Your privacy is of utmost importance and we will strive to protect your privacy to the extent possible while complying with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations as well as TCCD policy.”


Confidential Reporting Option


If you desire that details of the incident be kept confidential, you should speak with on-campus counselors or off-campus rape crisis resources, who will maintain confidentiality. Campus counselors are available to help you free of charge.